Website is Down!

LearnBuildPlay.com has gone down: (temporarily)
 - Emails still work
 - Working on a replacement posting, to be up in the next day or two.

My apologies, I just received an email from my (X) VM provider, SOMEE.com.  They had a hardware malfunction that completely destroyed all my data.  they say a RAID controller (at the hardware level) broke down, effectively destroying all data on all the Hard Drives under it.  However, I find this difficult to believe considering that a couple hours before that, they sent out an email claiming they were upgrading some software.  (not hardware)  It sounds more like they messed up on the software and accidentally did a complete re-install rather than an upgrade, or some other configuration mistake that wiped the original data.  It could also be exactly what they claim, but I no longer trust them.

Actions Taken:
I have cancelled my service with them.

Action Items:
1) Test a replacement site and post it to azure.
2) Repoint DNS and services to new IP.
ETA 2-3 days.

1 comment:

Dan Violet Sagmiller said...

Instead of reposting the old site, which had some tech behind it to push out, I'm finishing up the new LBP site that has been in the works. It will feature video trainings and hopefully will be available very shortly.