Website is Down!

LearnBuildPlay.com has gone down: (temporarily)
 - Emails still work
 - Working on a replacement posting, to be up in the next day or two.

My apologies, I just received an email from my (X) VM provider, SOMEE.com.  They had a hardware malfunction that completely destroyed all my data.  they say a RAID controller (at the hardware level) broke down, effectively destroying all data on all the Hard Drives under it.  However, I find this difficult to believe considering that a couple hours before that, they sent out an email claiming they were upgrading some software.  (not hardware)  It sounds more like they messed up on the software and accidentally did a complete re-install rather than an upgrade, or some other configuration mistake that wiped the original data.  It could also be exactly what they claim, but I no longer trust them.

Actions Taken:
I have cancelled my service with them.

Action Items:
1) Test a replacement site and post it to azure.
2) Repoint DNS and services to new IP.
ETA 2-3 days.