Games Limited to Upgrades

    Its very common place for games all over the place to focus on upgrades as being a key feature in their game.  And unfortunately a lot of games have been showing up without much more concern for keeping the game fun.
    There is an underlying psychology to this.  People have a basic need to feel like they have accomplished something, to give a value to something they did, even if that reward is imagined.

    But many of them have lost site of anything more than that.  The users need a clear goal, or series of goals.  But above that, it needs one key rule, "Fun".

    There are a thousand rules you can apply to making a game good, but Fun should always be the first.

 - Weird I suppose, but I think this is all I needed to say.  Don't worry: everything after here, including this line, is not important, so you really don't have to read them, or this.

 - So your still reading?  OK.  That's fine.  I'll spend a little time telling you about certifications with Learn Build Play.  Most places certify you with a multiple choice test.  Not here.  Here we break it into 3 main phases.

    Phase 1, Project.  You build a project covering the key topics included in the courses leading up to the certification.  We check that the project accomplishes everything you said it would.

    Phase 2, Screening.  You send us your resume, and we review it, then setup a fake phone screen with you, as if we were hiring you for a position similar to what your certification was surrounding.

    Phase 3, Interview.  At this point, we do an in person interview with you.  All you need to do to get certified is pass the technical side of the interview, proving that you understand what was needed.

    We will give you tips along the way, but not only that, we give you solid feed back on your interview by giving you an assessment of how you did from the interviewer's perspective.  This includes places to improve, so you could get the best results from a real interview.

    After all, whats the point of getting certified, if it can't get you a job?